shit i googled

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It's a SIG renaissance!

acute pancreatitis (I was worried about Tara Reid)

an albino a mosquito my libido (I've forgotten the 90s)

arch deluxe commercial (I really want to remember those elusive 90s)

bridget sloan (They're making a comeback)

buy vacation home phuket (you have to have an escape plan)

bacon painting (Sir Frances, not slice of pork)

burt reynolds fur rug (I mean cmon)

chris meloni dick

cats as fonts

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Long overdue

Abe Simpson Tattoo

Brain zaps


Did Forrest Gump's kid have aids?

Nannerpuss birthday

vomiting on queue

Saturday, January 8, 2011

idiocy 2010

cutest bat ever
did i have sex too soon
fantasia evil bat guy
Glenn Beck’s paranoid thriller
hammer toes
how long should i wait for showering after mystic tan
jeffrey dahmer
man who sues celebrities from prison
pat sajak
Police: NY man blows off arm with party fireworks
sex too soon?
tomato costume

Hydrogen walks into a bar...

alec baldwin beetlejuice
beetlejuice alec baldwin
autism spectrum quotient test
bluefooted boobies
bangs small forehead
barbie styling head
chandra levy remains map
crying john boehner videos
chemistry jokes

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Working adult with health insurance Googles

stories about drowning
loose circumcision
putting a tire back on
jon stewart short?
anglerfish mating
bad banana
Who does Glen Beck look like?
can you paint tile?
nicole brown simpson
animals in glasses
astronauts short?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Would you like fries with that?

rara avis
raybans prescription eyeware
real bearded Santas
religious singing in the workplace laws
renaissance nude statues
ronald mcdonald
rubber stamps

Monday, November 2, 2009

ugly outfits
uncle buck
understanding finance
usda corn facts